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Remind Yourself Always Apply Sun Tan Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

The sun is always a welcome visitor to the summer skies. It always seems like the first real sunny day brings out the sun worshippers in their droves. Any spare piece of ground is taken up by those trying to get a tan, and many do claim to feel healthier for having obtained a tan. It is hoped that these individuals have applied a sun tan lotion.

Quite a few find that they get their sun screen mixed up with their sun tan lotion. To assist with this dilemma, you can now buy combination screens, blocks and sun tan lotion. These allow you to get a tan while protecting the body from the more harmful UV rays. The tanning process works in unison with proteins naturally produced within the body. This helps to tan, or darken, skin tones.

For those who seek a combination sun tan lotion and sunscreen, remember only buy one that says SPF. This is the acronym for Sun Protection Factor. An ideal starting point seems to be an SPF of 20, if the number if greater than that it will lengthen the time that you can expose yourself to the sun.

One effect from the sun is that it will dry the skin. This is why your skin feels tight if you have sun burn. The sun tan lotion's cream aspect is designed to be readily absorbed by the skin, so keeping it hydrated. This will also assist in maintaining the skin's natural elasticity.

If people are old enough they might just remember the slip, slop, slap campaign that originated in Australia in the 80s. It was designed to alert sun worshippers to the possible dangers from overexposure. It is still valid today, and worth reminding people that when out in the sun to slip on a shirt, slop on your sun screen and sun tan lotion, and slap on a hat.

It is not only aimed at people on the beaches, but also in their own backyards, and to those who work outside in the sun. All too often there are construction workers who have taken their shirts off while they are working in full sun. They are not trying for a tan, and because they are not using sun tan lotion will often just go red. This can have an adverse effect on their health as they can end up having to take time off of work due to sun burn.

Now for the good news for those who are making an effort to gain a tan. By utilising a combination sun tan lotion you're shielded against the sun's strength for longer. Which also means that the sun is able to work jointly with the natural melanin for longer. The melanin acts like the bodies own sun block, and in so doing causes the pigment cells in the skin to become darker.

It is just as important to administer further coatings of sun tan lotion. Numerous sun tan lotions and oils claim to be waterproof, even if you are not going in the water it is worth using these due to the body perspiring. Consequently even this type of sun tan lotion needs to be re-administered.

No one is saying to ignore the sun during the summer months. Just to use a little bit of common sense, and a good sun tan lotion. You will be tanned before you realise.

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