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The Correct Use Of Sun Laboratories Tan Overnight Self Tanning Lotion To The Body

By Haywood Hunter

Tanning of the body can be done using a variety of other means that are more body friendly as compared to the use of direct sunlight. Among them is the use of sun laboratories tan overnight self tanning lotion. This gives the body the result of a natural tan which leaves the skin moisturized and well hydrated.

Sun tanning requires you to expose the body to direct sunlight. This in effect requires much time and only ideal for holiday makers or those working in the sun. However, using the sun does not produce an even tan on the body as compared to using the lotion. Using the product requires minimal time and as well produces an even tan on the body thereby giving it a natural look.

The lotion produces an instant effect. This means that, as it is applied the color of the tan appears on the skin. Within the first three hours after the application, the exact results of the tan are then visible. Properly applied, it will take three days before the tan starts fading away and up to five days before is completely shed from the skin.

To enhance easier bonding of the tan, the lotion contains various compounds. These include bronze which ensures an even merging of the tan thus making it look all natural. The outcome is normally golden and will appear like that of a natural sun tan.

To leave the skin looking natural and healthy, the lotion is mixed with various moisturizers and hydrants. These leaves the skin moisturized thereby giving it a soft and lovely natural look. This is unlike the case in direct sun tanning which leaves the skin dry and dehydrated and thereby requiring constant use of moisturizers. The product is also made for all skin types and therefore anyone can use it.

The application of this lotion is done to the face as well as to other body parts. This is for the reason that it is formulated for all skin cares. It is however important that you clean your hands thoroughly after applying the lotion. This is done to remove the tan from the palms which would otherwise appear as stains. In some instances the use of gloves when doing the application may be useful.

This product is best used overnight. Applied using a pump, it is then rubbed over the body using the hands. Due to its compatible formulation, it dries quickly and thus it has no streaks and neither is it sticky. This makes it possible to sleep without staining the bedding even after an application. A shower in the morning after the application leaves the body with an even tan.

Sun laboratories tan overnight self tanning lotion is available from local stores thereby making it easily accessible. It can also be sourced online from various online stores. In such cases the store will make necessary arrangements to have the product delivered to the customer. However, first make sure that the seller you are buying it from sells genuine products. The essence of this is to try and prevent using products that may cause you harm.

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