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Get A Great Tan With Sun Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Struggling to get a natural tan in a common problem, but with the use of sun tanning lotion anyone can get the tan they are wanting. Laying out in the sun is not the only option now for getting a tan. There are tanning beds, gels, creams and even sprays to use for sunless tanning. Sun tanning lotions, however, remain among the most popular option. This is probably because of how easy they are to use and how well they work.

Using sun tanning lotion is both safe and effective. The FDA has extensively evaluated these types of products and has deemed them safe since the elements that make up the lotions are not dangerous. One of the most prominent ingredients in all sun tannin lotion is dihydroxyacetone, otherwise known as DHA. This ingredient is produced from sugar cane and completely safe for use on the body.

DHA is an important element of these lotions because when it comes in contact with amino acids left behind by dead skin cells, it creates a reaction that tints the skin. That tint is the tan look the product is being used for. This chemical reaction is not harmful and the lotion can only penetrate the upper layer of skin meaning it can not enter the bloodstream.

Sun tanning lotion works well at mimicking that sun bathed look. It won't cause a streaky appearance and there is no dreaded orange tint. Sun tanning lotion goes on easily and dries rapidly. It also provides health benefits to the skin by nourishing and moisturizing it.

There are numerous scents to choose from, so a suitable sun tanning lotion can be found for men and women alike. Some formulas have added ingredients that help keep the skin cool and almost all are non-greasy. These lotions do not stain clothing either.

People with sensitive skin might want to test a small area before doing a full application. A small rash is much easier to deal with than one covering the entire body. If one lotion causes problems, keep trying until one is found that does not.

Sun tanning lotion is used more frequently in the Summer time, but many people use it to add color to pale Winter time skin too. Toss a bottle in with luggage and it can be taken anywhere one might travel. Just a few minutes of application and a nice tan can be achieved in very little time.

There are several different shades of sun tanning lotion, so a color to match any skin tone should be available. Some people prefer to use darker shades in the Summer so that it looks like they have spent a lot of time in the sun. During Winter months, many people opt for a lighter tan that is just enough to cover up pale Winter skin.

The use of sun tanning lotion is a safe and quick alternative to sun bathing. By limiting exposure to the sun, the risk of skin cancer is greatly reduce. Sun tanning lotion nourishes the skin and leaves it looking healthy and youthful. It is cheaper than some of the other tanning alternatives, such as tanning beds and can provide more immediate results.

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