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The Top Disability Strengthening Videos You Can Try At Home

By Jose Stevens

Any man or woman who has been through a horrible accident knows how much of a struggle it is to do a complete recovery. It takes a lot of time, effort, and unconditional support from their loved ones to do so. Upon being released from the hospital, it will take days to weeks before they can start to become independent again.

In order to slowly gain their independence back, they are advised to do a number of methods and techniques. This includes going to individual or group therapy sessions, wherein they must continue the techniques learned at home. To help in this task, there are numerous Disability Strengthening Videos available for free on the internet. Below are some of the best exercises a disabled person can do from them.

For people whose lower body has become weak, they can try an exercise that requires them to sit and stand. While this does not necessarily require a video to examine and follow step by step, it is still a challenge to those who have remained stationary for a while. This requires a sturdy chair though, because they will use it as a tool to sit up and get back down on the floor.

If you would like to strengthen your arms further, do seated tricep dips instead. This requires you to place your hands on the arm rest much like the first example, but instead of lowering yourself down, you got to elevate your whole body. This exercises the arm muscles and allows you to build your strength. This technique is also highly useful for people who are using wheelchairs.

The muscle which surrounds the hips, which allows an individual to bend in various angles is called the hip flexors. In order to increase flexibility and increase the chances of bending, one can try bending each leg at a time and raising it to the highest point possible. Take note, this should be done alternately.

Eventually, a disabled individual can gather up enough strength and determination to learn how to walk again. A basic exercise they should begin with is sitting down, and then pulling them up to a standing position to walk a few steps. This will allow them to have control of their lower body, and will also wake up any sleeping muscles that have become used to immobility.

Reverse crunches are done in order to exercise the abdominal portion of a body. This is done by sitting down and bending the knees to a 90 degree angle. Then, slowly lower the entire body to the surface of the floor. This should be done a few times a day to strengthen the core.

Shoulder muscles are needed so that a man or woman can carry heavy objects above their heads. This is possible even for disabled persons, through viewing and following a video that teaches the seated shoulder press. Take note though, this requires weights to conduct.

Listed above are the top strengthening videos a disabled person can try. Through these, they are able to strengthen their core muscles. By consistently watching and doing these activities, they are sure to achieve a full recovery.

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