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Details About Sleeve Gastrectomy Orange County NY

By Deborah Campbell

The process of weight loss is quite daunting. One of the procedures that one can use is sleeve gastrectomy. In this procedure, insertions are made at the upper abdomen to remove about eighty per cent of your stomach. This leaves your stomach to the size of a small banana. Continue reading this article to acquaint with details about sleeve gastrectomy Orange County NY to deliberate on.

Check the reason behind your thought. Undertaking this surgery prevents one from possible life-threatening risks that result from being overweight. Being overweight can lead to conditions such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, high cholesterol, and infertility. One should consider taking this process when other procedures fail to produce any consistent results.

Check the possible risks that come along with the issue. This procedure can bring along a couple of chances. It is upon you to acquaint with them to determine possible ways to avoid them. To start with, you might experience infections, blood clots, adverse reactions to anesthesia and excessive bleeding. For a long term risk, one has the possibility of incurring low blood sugar, vomiting and malnutrition.

Acquaint with the preparation made before the surgery. The doctors and nurses involved in this process will give you instructions on every preparation that you have to make. You should also take a few lab exams and test to get a go-ahead for the process. You can also take a few dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals. If you have to take medication, the doctors might recommend you take blood thinning medication.

What to expect before the procedure. Immediately after reporting for the respective surgery, the medical team will ask you to change to a hospital gown. The doctor will also ask a few questions to acquaint with your medical history to confirm whether you are fit for the surgery. After acquiring clearance for the surgery, the doctors will take you to the operation room, inject you with the anesthesia before the surgery commences.

What to expect during the process. The specifics of the surgery relies on individual situations and the background of the hospital or doctor practice. Some experts might use the traditional large incision of the abdomen. However, most surgeons prefer the laparoscopically, that involves the insertion of small instruments in the upper abdomen. The surgeon creates a narrow sleeve to staple the stomach and remove the sizable curved part.

What to consider to make after the process. You have to start taking non-carbonated liquids a week after undertaking the procedure. In the next three weeks that follow, consider taking pureed foods before you adapt to regular meals in the fourth week. You might also need to take multivitamins two times a day and calcium supplements. Additionally, you should also take vitamin B -12 once a month for the rest of your life.

Acknowledge the kind of result that you will get. It requires a lot of effort to achieve your goal of losing considerable substantial weight. Sleeve gastrectomy can help you deal with around sixty per cent of your weight after two years. It also prevents the chances of incurring conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea and high cholesterol.

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